Point-of-care diagnostics : what it is and why we need it in medical and veterinary practices

Historically, diagnostic testing has always been done in a medical laboratory. The lengthy process involves sending specimens away from the point of care to a laboratory, where a pathologist analyses the specimen. The results from this system can take 48 hours or longer.

Point-of-care diagnostics : what it is and why we need it in medical and veterinary practices2021-11-25T05:36:55+00:00

Parasitology: Why it’s so important in agriculture and veterinary science

Parasitology is the study of the biology of parasites and parasitic diseases. This scientific discipline encompasses studying the distribution, biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, ecology, evolution and clinical aspects of parasites, including the host response to these agents.

Parasitology: Why it’s so important in agriculture and veterinary science2021-11-25T05:35:25+00:00

OvaCyte™ or Laboratory Parasite Testing? What every veterinarian, needs to know

If you’re a veterinarian, you will be overly familiar with intestinal parasite infections, and the current laboratory method for identifying them in animals. Diagnosis of intestinal parasite infections involves the identification of the eggs or cysts of the various parasite species in the faeces of the respective host. Due to the prevalence of parasitic infections in both companion animals and grazing animals, faecal egg testing is one of the most common laboratory tests for animals.

OvaCyte™ or Laboratory Parasite Testing? What every veterinarian, needs to know2021-11-25T05:31:43+00:00

How owning a pet changes our lives

According to Pets in Australia: A national survey of pets and people there are almost 29 million pets in Australia today – more than the estimated human population of 25 million. With three in five households owning a pet, Australia has one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world. This says a lot about Australians’ relationship with pets, and the value they place on having a pet in the household.

How owning a pet changes our lives2021-11-25T05:23:16+00:00

How digital pathology, diagnostics and AI are changing the face of veterinary science

Pathology is the medical specialty concerned with the study of blood, urine, and tissue samples to diagnose disease in the body. It has existed in some form or another since the times of Ancient Egypt, as far back as 1500BC.

How digital pathology, diagnostics and AI are changing the face of veterinary science2021-11-25T05:20:28+00:00

How Artificial Intelligence is improving pathology in animals and humans

Digital pathology images create immense quantities of data sourced from databases brimming with healthcare and research findings. This volume of data can be overwhelming and time-consuming for pathologists and scientists to analyse.

How Artificial Intelligence is improving pathology in animals and humans2021-11-25T05:19:25+00:00
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